The employer’s trusted resource for onsite health, fitness, pharmacy and wellness centers
April 7, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT
Members are Free - Calendar download with zoom link available in Member Resources page.
Non-Members are $100 (must call our office 214-665-8893 to register and receive link)
Employer Strategies in Providing Health Care Through Direct Contracting and Worksite Centers
April 15-16, 2025
NAWHC is the nation’s only trade organization focused on helping employers and others understand the potential and value of onsite health services. It also enables existing employer clinics to enhance their capabilities and integrate with other worksite programs and benefits. Members include employers and their vendor and provider partners. The Forum is expected to host over 200 participants.
Forum Agenda is available HERE.
Hotel Booking link is available HERE.
Sponsorship information is available HERE.
Weigh Your Options: How Can Employers Support the Management of Obesity Within Their Organizations?
May 14, 2025 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT (12:00 - 1:00 PM ET)
Join a faculty speaker in an employer-specific program as they discuss the unmet need of obesity, its impact and physiology, and treatment opportunities for employees living with obesity. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions at the conclusion of the program. This program is sponsored by, and the speaker is presenting on behalf of, Lilly USA, LLC. It is being presented consistent with FDA guidelines and is not approved for continuing education credit.
June 2, 2025
This event is being produced by World Conference Forum
NAWHC Members receive a $250 discount with code NAW250
We are currently at a crucial point in time for corporate healthcare – employers are operating in a political and economic situation that has considerably evolved. Building and expanding onsite employee health centers has become an imperative in enabling employers to offer competitive benefits, control costs, and provide quality healthcare to employees. Moreover, employers must redefine their corporate healthcare strategy, and innovation will be key to success!
The opportunities and challenges facing onsite health centers have drastically changed over the past year. Healthcare reform has made its way to center stage on all matters related to healthcare, and onsite employee health centers are no exception. Employers are aggressively seeking innovative means to cut back on corporate healthcare costs, and onsite employee health centers have proven to be an effective way to significantly reduce those healthcare costs, and ultimately, have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line.
By attending the 2025 Onsite Employee Health & Wellness Centers Conference, you will learn what it takes to build and streamline facilities that meet innovative visions for healthcare and wellness. You will also learn the benefits associated with expanding current onsite health facilities. Furthermore, you will walk away with practical solutions to operate a cost-effective healthcare program while providing quality healthcare.
Register today to reserve your seat at the conference and take advantage of early bird discounts.
We look forward to seeing you in Nashville!
Onsite Pharmacies: Filling the Gap Left by Community Pharmacy Closures
June 26, 2025 12:00 - 1:00 PM CT (1:00 - 2:00 PM ET)
With the healthcare landscape rapidly changing and community pharmacy closures and reduced hours creating access challenges, how can employers ensure their members have appropriate access to reliable, knowledgeable pharmacy experts? Learn about how the onsite pharmacy model can solve these challenges, along with delivering an enhanced member experience, improved care team coordination, medication adherence, and better outcomes.
Ryan Baker, PharmD serves as VP of Pharmacy at Premise Health. Ryan has served in various roles leading our pharmacy products and services at Premise since 2012. A pharmacist by training, Ryan has 20 years of experience in the industry with backgrounds in retail, specialty, and employer-sponsored pharmacy. Ryan supports our growth, strategy, and operations of Premise Health’s various products and services. Ryan is a firm believer that the pharmacy industry is ready for disruption, and aims to collaborate with client partners on innovative programs to drive better cost transparency and clinical outcomes, with member experience always remaining top priority.
National Association of
Worksite Health Centers
10260 N Central Expy
Suite 285 Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: 214-665-8893
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