Online registration is closed. Walk in registration is available on a space availability basis.
In response to member interest, the event is being expanded to a day and a half, with the format designed not only for speaker and panel sessions, but for dedicated small-group networking sessions.
The Forum will offer sessions on the following: CEO Perspectives On Worksite Center Directions And Challenges; Regulatory And Legal Issues Impacting Clinics; Increasing Utilization; Implications of Different Management Models; Measuring Performance; Integrating Providers For Improved Pain Management Outcomes; Offering Pharmacy Services; Plans And Mistakes Of New Centers; Transitioning to a New Clinic Vendor; Evolving Into a Medical Home; and small group roundtables on a multitude of topics.
CLICK HERE for sponsorship information or contact Larry Boress, NAWHC Executive Director at lboress@nawhc.org.
CLICK HERE to make reservations at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel by the Galleria at the discounted rate of $135.
To enjoy the "Membership Rate," you will need to login. Due to a system upgrade you will need to reset your password before registering for the event.